Meet the Owner and Inspiration of The Wellness Lounge!

Miss Hailey Thompson

I started this business in 2016 and have evolved so much since then. Starting out in a small salon in McHenry, then moving to Crystal Lake for four years! Crystal Lake treated me well but I out grew my space.. I got certified in yoga and realized I literally needed a bigger space. Searching for new spaces can be stressful, has been in the past, but this time was different. I decided to go right back to my roots in Greenwood. I remembered growing up there was a shop space right next door and I vaguely remembered the size. When I viewed it for the first time in +15 years all I saw was potential! Signing the Lease in May 2021, I got started on renovations, using wood from my families tree farms we built the walls of the massage rooms you know of today. Finishing renovations for the new location took quite some time but we were able to open our doors August 2021 and officially started Greenwood Wellness Lounge!

At the Wellness Lounge, we have created a safe place for the community to come for a variety of purposes. Starting with massage and yoga focusing on body positivity and wellness. Soon we will be adding an Aestheticians room for facials, mani/pedi, etc. but we don’t just stop at services. Recently we have started this online store to help spread our reach! Adding a small community garden on the south side of the building will open us up to gardening lessons, canning lessons, harvesting lessons, etc. hopefully adding a nutrition aspect to the business. We also hope to inspire creativity by offering paint and sips, varieties of art classes, as well as possible hosting small art shows. Pairing with local shelters for adoption events.. the list is endless. So stick around!

Meet Hailey! Owner and operator! Serving up icecream for our Customer Appreciation Day!

Meet our Head Yoga Instructor!

Anna Marie!

My yoga journey started in 2007 when I started taking classes for my own self-care. My mental health was on the fritz due to life’s challenges and scoliosis was affecting my physical health by causing me constant pain. I quickly fell in love with the practice. For me, being able to actually see the transformations taking place in body & mind kept me consistent. Noticing how my body was building strength and flexibility absolutely wowed me. My mental health was benefiting as well. Yoga is a moving meditation. Yoga is a community. I have met the most amazing people through my practice.

I began teaching yoga in 2013 and I’m so honored to have been a part of so many others yoga journeys. I have seen the dedication, the willingness to learn and the ability to adapt in the individuals who join me. I teach to a wide variety and can accommodate for all levels. I love the practice and love being able to share it. I believe yoga to be life changing and am so happy that it’s such a big part of my life.

Anna has certifications in yoga including kids, senior & trauma. She is Barre & Hoop certified. She is also a certified crystal healer!

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